The 1,000,000-Laywoman Training Project:- The Letter from the Hill Tribe Teacher
A lovely letter written from a Karen student to Khunkru Maiyai. She and her friends are happy to join this project.
Asalha Puja Day
The history, importance and customs of Asalha Puja Day
การอบรมผู้ช่วยสอนสมาธิเบื้องต้น (The Middle Way Meditation Coach Training Program)
การอบรมผู้ช่วยสอนสมาธิเบื้องต้น (MMC)เพื่อเปิดโอกาสให้ผู้สนใจการปฏิบัติธรรม นั่งสมาธิ ได้ร่วมปฏิบัติธรรมระยะยาว และสามารถออกไปทำหน้าที่เผยแผ่การสอนสมาธิในระดับนานาชาติได้
The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering # 3
Mindfulness of the dhammas in the dhammas is to see and consider the mental phenomena both inside and outside, the whole of the time
World Peace
The beginning training lesson described already is meditation practice. This is the path for building peace in human society.
Center your mind softly, gently, lightly, and happily; with a clear and thought-free mind. While you are doing your daily chores; like brushing your teeth, washing your face, or cleaning your house.
1.The Parent-Child Relationship # 3
Training them in virtue: The first ‘good friends’ to each and every one of us in the world are our parents or guardians. As such
Safeguarding Our Mind through Meditation
In our daily lives, an array of problems of varying degrees correlating to our family circumstance, profession, education, and responsibilities can arise.
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon#2
This last metaphor clearly illustrates how no benefit can be found by indulging in sensual pleasure
The Value of Life
Although we realize that our lives will not last a thousand years, sometimes we still let ourselves drift down into the stream of worldly pleasures which causes us suffering